Our Services

Primary Care Medicine

Annual Wellness Exam

Annual wellness exams allow our staff to update vaccinations, screen for health conditions, and give personalized guidance for a healthier life.


Asthma and COPD are conditions that impact the lungs and airways, making it difficult to take in the oxygen your body needs to function adequately.


Diabetes is a chronic condition that hinders your body's ability to process blood sugar for energy, leading to health complications if left untreated.

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid disorders can impair your body's ability to regulate vital hormones, affecting your mental focus, cardiovascular health, mood, and more.


Hypertension (high blood pressure) can put your overall health at risk, but it can be managed with prescription medication and lifestyle changes.

High Cholesterol

Our practice offers custom treatment plans to manage high cholesterol levels and help lower your risk of heart disease and other health complications.

Skin Problems

If you are dealing with itchy, red, inflamed, or irritated skin, our staff can help with personalized treatment plans for a variety of skin problems.

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain will often clear up on its own over time, but if you're troubled by intense or persistent pain, our staff has the experience to help.

Upper Respiratory Infections

Many upper respiratory infections often clear up on their own with at-home care, but more severe cases might require professional treatment.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., but it can be managed with the care and support of our Rochester Hills, MI providers.

Medical Weight Loss

Get the support you need to finally shed excess weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle with a medically supervised weight loss plan from our staff.


If you're experiencing changes in mood, libido, or menstruation due to menopause, our staff is here to help with customized menopause treatments.

Women's Health

Our primary care providers offer a wide selection of health services for women, including gynecological care, Pap smears, mammograms, and more.

Wound Care Management

Our practice offers wound care management using AmnioGraft®, an innovative regenerative treatment designed to complement your body's healing process.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.